«Free 3D building designer and calculator»

When designing a prefabricated steel building in the WebSteel system, you get the following design and engineering drawings:

  1. Load-bearing structures (metal structures): plan of columns and racks half-timbered, plan of beams and girders, technical specification of steel, characteristic sections, interfaces of metal structures, general data and ext.

  2. Cladding systems (architectural solution): the layout of the sandwich panels on the walls and the roof, the attachment points of the additional elements, the specification of panels and additional elements with self-tapping screws and the sections of the additional elements. 

  3. Foundation (reinforced concrete structures): foundation plan, general data, types and sections of foundations, types of reinforcing products, anchoring and reinforcing of the foundation beam and specifications.

IMPORTANT! When ordering a steel building to another country PK VESTA can translate all drawings into another required language.

Cladding systems on the steel building
Cladding systems on the steel building
3D model in drawings with sandwich panels
3D model in drawings with sandwich panels
End-bay steel trusses
End-bay steel trusses
Load-bearing steel structure
Load-bearing steel structure
Sandwich panel layout
Sandwich panel layout
Foundation details
Foundation details
Foundation drawings
Foundation drawings
Main currency

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