«Free 3D building designer and calculator»

IMPORTANT! All prices for steel buildings are indicative and given for preliminary acquaintance with the approximate budget for the construction of your building. Nothing is fixed until agreed and confirmed in regards to all technical details of a cetain client's project. Too many factors affect the price level (combination of climatic zones, building dimensions, floating prices for raw materials, labor costs in different countries, bay spacing betweek steel frames, availability of geo-survey work, non-standard loads on walls and roofs, etc.) For more accurate calculation, use the free WebSteel online system (online accounting of the costs and availability of materials at the factory’s warehouse, certain design schemes and solutions) or make a detailed request for a price proposal at the Russian factory in Tula

Services Length, m / bay spacing, 6 m.
With 20% VAT. Delivery – EXW. Snow – 210 kg/sq.m., Wind – 23 kg/sq.m., Seismicity – up to 6 points. 30 36 42 48 54 60
Delivery terms for assembly and civil work, months
(steel framing and cladding, assembly drawings, technical passport and certified engineering calculations)
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Terms of Foundation and installation works, months. 2 2 2 2 2 2
Steel framing, RUB.
(1 storey, No crane beam, Single span, Gable, with bolts, 100% bolted connections)
891588 1133396.4 1290252 1447108.8 1603964.4 1760820
Cladding system, RUB.
(profiled sheet), shaped elements, fasteners
610708.8 711445.8 812183.4 912920.4 1013658.6 1114395.6
Foundation work, RUB.
(pier, base beam included, insulated brickwork – 0.4m high)
450688.8 553452.6 630730.2 708008.4 785286.6 862564.2
Concrete floor, RUB.
(thickness-150mm, loads - up to 2 tones / sq.m., with reinforced topping - a streamlined top layer of concrete)
555849.6 682591.2 777900.6 873210.6 968520 1063829.4
Assembly, RUB.
(there are access roads, process technical water, electricity and a fence, cramped conditions are absent)
405619.8 498106.8 567657 637207.8 706758 776308.2
Number of Euro trucks, pieces 3 3 3 4 4 5
(ground, up to 200 km)
24000 24000 24000 32000 32000 40000
Total from: 3457435.2 4244422.6 4833565.8 5430710.8 6019854.6 6616996.8
Panel view Thickness, mm Price, руб/m2 (inclusive of VAT 20%)
With mineral wool With polyisocyanurate foam (PIR)     
Roof panel
40 778 1490
50 973 1625
60 1167 1687
80 1329 1850
100 1429 2026
120 1509 2201
150 1632 2490
200 1945 2714
Wall panel
40 1130 1325
50 1168 1418
60 1210 1507
80 1295 1686
100 1390 1861
120 1470 2054
150 1593 2330
200 1895 2832

Main products of PK Vesta are manufactured at our own factory without intermediaries

PK VESTA is an industrial IT company, which offers free online design, manufacturing and assembly of prefabricated steel buildings, as well as sandwich panels, gates and doors. We've been in business since 1991. Make a unique design of your steel building online in WebSteel and we will make a custom building kit shipped worldwide.

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